Asset Management

Reg­u­la­to­ry author­i­ties do not own or man­age assets to the mag­ni­tude that these need to be mon­i­tored or tracked. How­ev­er, the oper­a­tors with­in their juris­dic­tion do own and man­age equip­ment, which need to be reg­is­tered with the respec­tive author­i­ty and for which in some cas­es per­mits have to be grant­ed to be able to oper­ate such equip­ment on the island.

The require­ment for such an appli­ca­tion is need­ed because of the fol­low­ing:

  1. To reg­is­ter and keep all types of com­mu­ni­ca­tion equip­ment updat­ed includ­ing their phys­i­cal loca­tion;
  2. Keep track of microwave fre­quen­cies being used by oper­a­tors at and between trans­mis­sion sites, in accor­dance with the licens­es and per­mits grant­ed;
  3. Keep track of mul­ti­point fre­quen­cies and sub­scriber con­nec­tion points in order to quan­ti­ty sub­scriber counts and ver­i­fy report­ing;
  4. Keep track of aer­i­al and under the ground net­work resources like fiber optic and cop­per, while mon­i­tor­ing con­nec­tion points of sub­scribers con­nect­ed to the opti­cal and cop­per net­work;
  5. Pro­vide the pos­si­bil­i­ty for license appli­ca­tions to be made using one stan­dard­ized online sys­tem, enabling reg­u­la­to­ry author­i­ties and oth­er gov­ern­ment enti­ties to pro­vide feed­back or license grants quick­er and more effi­cient­ly;
  6. Make use of the finan­cial mod­el, to keep cur­rent on the charg­ing of recur­ring license fees based on the resources used;
  7. Act quick­er on inter­fer­ences, using an RF/MW tools to ana­lyze pos­si­ble usage and nar­row down where inter­fer­ences come from;
  8. Coor­di­nate in cas­es where new trench­es are dug and ducts allo­cat­ed to oper­a­tors to avoid that trench­es need to be opened for a sec­ond time;
  9. Make sure that tow­ers prop­er­ly built in accor­dance with the max­i­mum loads for which they are designed and ensure that safe­ty and secu­ri­ty reg­u­la­tions are met;
  10. Ensure that prop­er main­te­nance and pre­ven­tive repairs are done to each trans­mis­sion site.

Host­ed Appli­ca­tion with direct access to Oper­a­tors

Tele­Con­sul­tan­cy through its indus­try part­ners pro­mote, imple­ment and main­tain an appli­ca­tion to coor­di­nate and man­age this whole process, in oth­er words, the reg­u­la­to­ry author­i­ty should not have a team of com­put­er and net­work engi­neers on their pay­roll, just to main­tain the appli­ca­tion.

It is a host­ed appli­ca­tion that pro­vides dif­fer­ent lev­els of access to the author­i­ty and stake­hold­ers as well as to licensed oper­a­tors in the juris­dic­tion. Such an appli­ca­tion is also referred to as SaaS (Soft­ware-as-a-Ser­vice).

Oper­a­tors have direct access to their own par­ti­tion, which will enable them to com­ply with all appli­ca­tion and report­ing oblig­a­tions for oper­at­ing their net­work, sole­ly mak­ing use of the SaaS appli­ca­tion. Month­ly and annu­al report­ing will become oblig­a­tory through the use of the sys­tem and so will the use of autho­rized equip­ment from the moment these arrive into the coun­try and cleared by cus­toms.

3D Site Sur­veys

Up to now it has been chal­leng­ing and time con­sum­ing for reg­u­la­to­ry author­i­ties to resolve inter­fer­ences caused by oper­a­tors. At the time cas­es like this are inves­ti­gat­ed the inter­fer­ing oper­a­tor has already adjust­ed or removed their equip­ment.

It is there­fore impor­tant that the sta­tus of a site is known by the reg­u­la­to­ry author­i­ty at all times. This can be solved by annu­al 3D inspec­tions, which pro­vide non-refutable evi­dence.

Through its indus­try part­ners, Tele­Con­sul­tan­cy pro­vides these ser­vices in order to help sup­port reg­u­la­to­ry in their ini­tia­tive to have oper­a­tors com­ply with their rules and reg­u­la­tions, in the ben­e­fit of all oper­a­tors and their clients.