Spectrum Management

An impor­tant aspect of Enforce­ment is Spec­trum Man­age­ment, as it is the process of reg­u­lat­ing use of radio fre­quen­cy, to pro­mote effi­cient use and gain a net social ben­e­fit.

Most gov­ern­ments con­sid­er RF spec­trum as an exclu­sive prop­er­ty of the coun­try, as it is a nation­al resource, in many cas­es a scarce one, but indeed a reusable one. The pur­pose of spec­trum man­age­ment is to mit­i­gate radio spec­trum pol­lu­tion or ille­gal use and max­i­mize the ben­e­fit of usable radio spec­trum. The goal is to ratio­nal­ize and opti­mize the use of the RF spec­trum to:

• Avoid and solve inter­fer­ences;

• Design short and long range fre­quen­cy allo­ca­tions;

• Advance the intro­duc­tion of new wire­less tech­nolo­gies; and,

• Coor­di­nate wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tions with neigh­bor­ing islands and admin­is­tra­tions at bor­ders.