
Steven A. Mar­cano is the Pres­i­dent of Con­sol­i­dat­ed Ser­vices Inter­na­tion­al, Inc. (“CSI”) a con­sul­tan­cy firm based out of Flori­da, which he found­ed in 2005. The com­pa­ny pro­vides tele­com con­sul­tan­cy ser­vices under the name of Tele­Con­sul­tan­cy (“TC”). As the chief exec­u­tive of the com­pa­ny, Mr. Mar­cano is respon­si­ble for farm­ing new clients; fol­low tele­com devel­op­ments in con­verg­ing mar­kets and advice reg­u­la­to­ry enti­ties on many aspects and issues applic­a­ble in their juris­dic­tion. He leads a net­work of telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion con­sul­tants and han­dles all busi­ness devel­op­ment projects for the com­pa­ny.

Mr. Mar­cano has enjoyed a suc­cess­ful career as a telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions entre­pre­neur. Pri­or to the for­ma­tion of CSI, Mr. Mar­cano found­ed Antil­lean Net­work Man­age­ment (cur­rent­ly Scar­let) ear­ly 2000, the first inter­na­tion­al long dis­tance oper­a­tor to offer brand­ed 2-stage and PIN-less accounts in the Nether­lands Antilles. By injunc­tion court rul­ing of August 30, 2001, the com­pa­ny man­aged to become the first oper­a­tor to obtain full access to inter­na­tion­al sub­sea fiber. This rul­ing was lat­er re-con­firmed in appeal and also in Supreme Court in the Nether­lands. The com­pa­ny also suc­ceed­ed in get­ting admin­is­tra­tive court to com­pel car­ri­er pre­s­e­lect access on pre­paid net­works. Lib­er­al­iza­tion in the Nether­lands Antilles final­ly became a fact. In 2002 the com­pa­ny deployed the first broad­band wire­less net­work in the Nether­lands Antilles as the only inde­pen­dent alter­na­tive at the time to reach cor­po­rate clients via an afford­able, cost effi­cient man­ner.