Quality Management

One of the objec­tives of Reg­u­la­to­ry Author­i­ties is to ensure that inter­ests of con­sumers are pro­tect­ed and con­di­tions for growth of the telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions indus­try, broad­cast­ing and cable ser­vices are nur­tured in a prop­er man­ner. It is there­fore impor­tant that reg­u­la­tors are aware at all times whether sub­scribers of voice, data and video ser­vices indeed receive and expe­ri­ence the ser­vices they are sub­scribed to prop­er­ly.

The only way to know that is through end-to-end qual­i­ty of ser­vice tests. This is done by plac­ing non-intru­sive test equip­ment between the cus­tomer premise equip­ment and the net­work of the oper­a­tor. Dur­ing a deter­mined peri­od of time, data is col­lect­ed to reflect the result of sev­er­al KPI mea­sure­ments. These results can then be com­pared to the ser­vice lev­el to which oper­a­tors are com­mit­ted.

Reg­u­la­to­ry author­i­ties are giv­en a tool to mea­sure the qual­i­ty of the ser­vices offered with­in their juris­dic­tion and keep con­sumers informed of what the in-coun­try bench­marks should be that deter­mine accept­able ser­vice.